It’s easier to meditate, to relax and to have peace of mind when you know you have the courage to speak your truth when necessary.
Many of us nowadays look to forms of meditation and relaxation to help us to let go of stress and anxiety and reclaim a calm and peaceful state of body and mind. We usually soon discover that our state of mind has profound effects on the state of our body; and vice versa. As we explore different methods, we find that relaxing our mind helps our body to relax; and, relaxing our body can help our mind to relax. This has caused a huge growth of interest in meditation and mindfulness techniques, and this has also caused things like transcendental meditation and diaphragmatic breathing to go through a resurgence.
Challenges to Meditation and Relaxation
We may find that spending time away from our normal daily life attending a retreat or workshop on a particular form of meditation, mindfulness, breathing method, or relaxation technique extremely beneficial. As we learn to let go of the things which are causing us anxiety, we usually find ourselves regaining some of the peace of mind and contentment that way might not have experienced for a long time.
Some well-respected meditation teachers encourage practitioners to also use other methods (or even go to a therapist) if they are repeatedly getting stuck in strong negative feelings during meditation.
However, these workshop and retreats and even a normal daily meditation practise, can also offer us some interesting challenges too, as the “crazy monkey” mind does not always stop and calm down when we would like to. We may find the underneath the some initial relatively superficial causes of anxiety of tension we are holding on to some deeper issues too. In order to get a deeper sense of peace and relaxation we need to go handle those deeper issues. This might mean just observing them and they will dissipate on their own, or mean that we need to do some specific work on them possibly using another method. This is why well-respected meditation teachers sometimes encourage practitioners to also use other methods (or even go to a therapist) if they are repeatedly experiencing strong negative feelings coming up during meditation. This can be a sign that the practitioner needs to deal with an underlying issue. Having access to other methods, such as a forgiveness method, can fit very well alongside many meditation and relaxation practises.
Resolving Issues Which Disturb Meditation and Relaxation
It can be very difficult to get into in peaceful state of mind if we feel angry and resentful towards someone.
It can be very difficult to get into in peaceful and serene state of mind if we feel angry, resentful and bitter towards someone. An experienced meditator will most likely be able to include such feelings in their meditation, if they arise, and not be too disturbed by them. Yet, meditation on its own might not be enough for us to be able to completely let go of a disturbing situation. Those feelings may keep returning till we resolve the underlying issues through forgiveness. In order to forgive we might need to learn a forgiveness method as a way to finally resolve the situation, so that those uncomfortable feelings we have about it will no longer arise.
In physical health there are things that are good for us in a general way, for our overall health (eat healthy food etc), and there are things which are good for specific ailments (drink a specific herbal tea or whatever). A similar approach is useful for our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. If we find that an issue, or some disturbing feelings, keep arising either during our times of relaxation or meditation, or even during our normal daily life, then it may be time to explore some other options to deal with the underlying causes.
A method which blends well with just about any meditation method or relaxation technique is The Four Steps to Forgiveness.
A method which can blend well with just about any meditation method or relaxation technique is The Four Steps to Forgiveness (available as a free ebook). It fits well with many other methods, no matter the particular lineage of the mediation or relaxation method the person is using. The Four Steps to Forgiveness does not contradict a spiritual practise or relaxation technique from an ancient tradition or something which has emerged as a result of modern relaxation research. Owing to its neutral, secular origins it does not offend any beliefs and can be easily adapted to such beliefs.
Meditate and Relax, but Don’t Avoid Personal Challenges
Some feelings disturbing our mediations don’t go away until we acknowledge their cause.
The Four Steps to Forgiveness helps us to become aware of and accept our feelings as they are. It also helps to accept other people as they are too. Yet, it also helps us to negotiate our way out of situations which we should no longer put up with. If we are feeling disturbed because we are putting up with bad behaviour, which we need to challenge rather than tolerate, then such feelings don’t tend to go away unless we acknowledge their cause. We might also need to resolve to do something about the cause. If the situation allows, we may need to develop the courage and honesty to communicate our feelings directly with those involved. However, doing some forgiveness work before deciding what to do about the underlying issue will help us see the best way forward.
Sometimes, rather than doing a loving kindness meditation we need to offer someone loving honest feedback about their behaviour. It’s easier to meditate and to relax when you know you have the courage to speak your truth when necessary.
Whether done as a Spiritual practise, or simply for relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques are not intended to let us get away with avoiding our issues in interpersonal relationships. However, they can help a great deal when used to centre ourselves so that we express ourselves without attacking the other person and getting into unnecessary conflict. The same can be said for forgiveness techniques such as The Four Steps to Forgiveness. We can use it to clear up our own reactions to other people so that we let go of the past, or raise an issue with someone without rancour, so that we create not only more peace in our minds but also more peace in our daily lives.
In order to have more peace of mind, we need to be able to offer more peace to others, in our thoughts, words and deeds. The Four Steps to Forgiveness, whether we are experienced meditators or not, can help us do so. The Four Steps to Forgiveness is completely free (and you don’t even need to give an email address). Download the ebook now using one of the links on this page.
Written by William Fergus Martin, Author: Forgiveness is Power.
Four Steps to Forgivess: Immediate Download Free Book.
Four Steps to Forgiveness
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Four Steps to Forgiveness
A powerful way to freedom, happiness and success.
William Fergus Martin
ISBN: 978-1-63443-344-0
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