Forgiveness sets you free. Download Free Forgiveness Ebook
The Importance of Positive Thinking
If we feel undeserving of something, we may manage to get it, but we may find a way to make sure that we are not be able to enjoy it.
Anyone who studies the importance of positive thinking comes to realise that the more positive our thoughts the more positive our life will be. Some see this as the practical outworking of psychological principles: It is almost impossible for someone to allow into their life something they feel they don’t really deserve. Otherwise, they will find a way to sabotage themselves even if they manage to attract that thing into their life. If we feel undeserving of something, we may manage to get it, but we may find a way to make sure that we are not be able to enjoy it.

Others see this as a “Law of the Universe”, and that we are all affected by the Law of Attraction, sometimes referred to as the Law of Assumption, or the Law of Vibration. Many also consider the effects of the Power of the Subconscious Mind and how a person’s unconscious beliefs affect their life and their ability to achieve their goals.
Power of Positive Thinking and Law of Attraction
Classic books on positive thinking like, The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale, are still hugely popular. While newer works by Louise Hay, Abraham Hicks (and their works on Law of Attraction, Ask and It Is Given) and James Clear’s Atomic Habits, have been very successful too. There has also been a resurgence in interest in the works of leaders of the New Thought movement from about a century ago onwards, such as; Neville Goddard, Florence Scovell Shinn, Earnest Holmes and more laterally Joseph Murphy.
How do we think positive when we feel negative?
Amongst these varieties of approach to Positive Thinking there is the underlying idea that our thoughts and feelings need to be “positive” in order to create more positive experiences in our life. This makes sense because we will not even see an opportunity, never mind believe it as an option, if we feel down owing to a negative point of view. However, the big challenge with positive thinking is is how do think positive when we feel negative?
Thinking Positive, Even When Feeling Negative?
We might feel even worse about ourselves when we “fail” to stay thinking positive. Learn how to forgive and be more able to stay positive. Free Ebook The Four Steps to Forgiveness.
The problem is that even if we realise the importance of trying to think positive that is often not enough to help us stay positive. We may be overcome with a dark mood, or a sullen frame of thought. We may get caught up in anger and resentment. We may feel bitter about things that have happened to us in the past, or we may feel ashamed or guilty about things we have done. All these can cause our efforts to think higher and better thoughts to be very difficult sometimes. Perhaps we read something inspiring and uplifting and feel better for a while, but sometimes the change does not last and we struggle to keep ourselves feeling good about life. Then we might feel even worse about ourselves when we “fail” to stay thinking positive.
The Subconscious Mind and Positive Thinking
Forgiveness is a powerful way to improve how we see ourselves, how we see life and how we see other people.
Anyone who has studied the effects of the subconscious mind on our thinking, feeling, moods an attitudes, knows that changes which affect our subconscious mind have deeply significant, and often very rapid, effects. Our subconscious beliefs are shaped by our experiences in the past, especially those experiences which had a deep influence on us. If such experiences had a negative influence on us, such as causing us to believe that, “life is unfair”, “life is a struggle”, “people are mean”, “nobody likes me”, “money is hard to get” and so on, these beliefs can swamp our attempts to think more positively and to lead a better life. Forgiveness is a powerful way to improve how we see ourselves, how we see life and how we see other people.
Also, we may be harbouring resentment or ill will about something done to us in the past. We may even feel guilt or shame from something we ourselves have done to someone else. Letting go of the effects of unhappy experiences can do much to lighten our load and enable us to reach levels of abundance, happiness and prosperity that we could previously hardly even dream of. The way to let go of the past is to forgive; forgive others and forgive ourselves.
The Law of Attraction and Forgiveness
Anger, resentment, guilt and shame hold us to a low state of awareness; whereas forgiveness allows us to soar. Download Free Ebook The Four Steps to Forgiveness.

We need to forgive those who have been a dampener on our inner light so that we can be free of their influence. Once we forgive them they usually have no affect on us and we can truly move on and move upward. Anger, resentment, guilt and shame hold us to a low state of awareness; whereas forgiveness allows us to soar.
Learning how to forgive, means that we can get to the root cause of negative and unhappy attitudes to life. Once we deal with those causes, by forgiving those who and then we can be free of them. There is a way you can deal with those root causes and begin to make permanent and lasting changes to your general level of thought and feeling – and reap the benefits by more rapidly and more easily achieving your goals for a better life.
The way to make deep changes in your life is through a new type of forgiveness. This new type of forgiveness, The Four Steps to Forgiveness, is a unique psychological process and is not based on any religion or creed. You don’t have to “believe” anything in order to use it. It is free from dogma and you will not find any attempt to manipulate you through guilt and shame. In fact, it is much more like to help you to become impervious to such type of manipulation. What better way to let go of negativity and bad moods that to get to their root cause?
People all over the world are learning to use The Four Steps to Forgiveness to set themselves free and to achieve more peace of mind, better relationships and a happier life. It is so popular that it is already available in over 26 languages. People often tell us that is has dramatically changed their lives for the better. You can use it too! Just download your free copy of The Four Steps to Forgiveness from one of the links on this page.
As you learn to forgive you will become increasingly free of the past. You will let go of anger and resentment for what others have done to you; and you will let go of self-judgement and self-blame, which could be causing you to not allow good things to flow into your life. You will be dealing with the root causes of the blocks that have been stopping you from creating the life you really want.
Blessing to you on your journey into greater health, positivity and abundance.
Written by William Fergus Martin, Author: Forgiveness is Power.
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Four Steps to Forgiveness
A powerful way to freedom, happiness and success.
William Fergus Martin
ISBN: 978-1-63443-344-0