Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Self Worth and Self Respect

Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Self Worth and Self Respect are some of the keys to leading a successful and happy life. They affect all aspects of life, and all our different relationships whether close personal relationships, such as intimate relationships and friendships, or how we relate to colleagues at work and so on. They affect how resilient we are, especially when life doesn’t go our way, and how easily we can adapt to change. There is an underlying ability which can greatly enhance our capacity not only for Self Esteem, but also for Self Confidence, Self Worth and Self Respect. It is increasingly being realised that this ability is available to all, yet many people still don’t know how to access it within themselves or even that they have it. If interested, please read on….

How to Build Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Self Worth and Self Respect.

If we cannot let go of painful experiences from the past, then our ability to feel self esteem is greatly reduced.

How to build Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Self Worth and Self Respect are issue for many of us these days. A clue as to how we can go about building self esteem is to consider whether events from our past is affecting how we feel about ourselves now. If we have anger and resentment about what we feel others have done to us in the past, or we feel caught in guilt and shame for mistakes we have made, or wrong things we have done, then our ability to feel self esteem is greatly reduced.

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If we have too much resentment, or guilt and shame then what we are able to offer to those around us (family friends and colleagues) is greatly diminished. We need to feel good about ourselves, have self esteem, to be better able to offer good feelings and good experiences to others. We may be quietly ashamed of the person we have become, when we notice that we are not really giving much that is good to those we care about; yet, we may feel stuck and don’t know the way out. Or, we may be giving to others in a compulsive way, but feel unfulfilled by it, because we feel empty inside, and don’t feel good about ourselves at our core.

Self Esteem and Forgiveness

When you like the person you are, or at least like the person you are becoming, then it is much easier to build your self esteem.

Learning to forgive opens up many ways in which we can begin to feel much better about ourselves. It creates situations and experiences where we can build our self esteem; feel more confident about how we are handling life, gain self worth because we like ourselves better, and gain self respect because we are leading life in a way which is closer to our highest values.  When you like the person you are, or at least like the person you are becoming, then it is much easier to build your self esteem.

Forgive Yourself and Gain Self Esteem

Forgiving yourself is one of the most generous and un-selfish things you can do as your improved attitude benefits everyone around you.

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A good place to start is to learn to forgive ourselves. If we build up guilt and shame, this is corrosive to our self esteem. We will feel that we are underserving of the good things in life and so we will not allow much good to come to us – so we will have less good to share. Forgiving ourselves benefits everyone around us as we then allow more good to come into our life and have more good to offer those we care about. Forgiving ourselves is therefore one of the most generous and un-selfish things we can do as so many people will benefit from our greater capacity to live a good life. Learning to forgive yourself is vitally important. We may need make amends, if possible, to those we have harmed to truly forgive ourselves, but it is best to do some actual self forgiveness excercises before deciding what to do about making amends.

When we have low self respect, low self esteem and lack of self confidence we do not have not much to offer others as we have such a low regard for ourselves. When we have low self esteem we cannot do much to contribute to others self esteem. We can all too easily become the psychological equivalent of a needy beggar. Yet, learning how to forgive can change all of that. Forgiveness can free you from the affects of the past so that you can reshape yourself and your life and begin to live up to your true potential. You will also then be more able to inspire others to live up to their true potential.

For Better Self Esteem Free Yourself from the Past

We all have the potential of being noble persons, with high self esteem, able to go through life with our heads held high.

The person who is not forgiving, or simply does not know how to forgive, often has too much resentment and anger to move forward in life with Self Respect, Self Confidence and Self Esteem. They get caught in their anger, resentment and self-pity and play at being a victim of life and circumstances. This is not necessary as we all have the potential of being noble persons, with high self esteem, able to go through life with our heads held high. We simply need to learn how to forgive to unleash our natural powers.

Forgiveness is a key to obtaining the level of a self esteem necessary to obtain the best that life has to offer.

Forgiveness is a key to obtaining the level of a self esteem necessary to obtain the best that life has to offer you. This removes much unnecessary struggle from your life that you may wonder how you managed to get through life at all before you learned to forgive. Yet, forgiveness is very easy to learn once you have understood the simple principles involved.

Forgiveness helps you even with practical things like getting a better job.

Forgiveness is immensely practical and helpful. Even if you want something specific, such as a better job, and to earn more money, then having a positive attitude towards the place you work, towards your boss, towards colleagues and towards clients or customers, helps immensely. People who have the type of positive, helpful attitude, which a forgiving mind brings, stand out in any situation. Forgiveness will help you have the kind of attitude which will make you very successful at your job as well as in your interpersonal relationships.

Self Estimation, Self Efficacy and Self Care

Your Self Estimation, which are your feelings about yourself (this can be considered as another word for self esteem), your feelings about your Self Efficacy (your ability to get things done), and your capacity for Self Care are all improved by learning how to forgive. Indeed, learning how to forgive is a very profoundly effective form of Self Care. It will also help you be much more self aware and much less likely to be self sabotaging yourself out of the very things you want in life. You will also tend to be less acutely self conscious as your attention is more able to move outwards towards others in consctructive eways.

Low Self Esteem, Low Self Confidence, Low Self Worth

If you are struggling with a health issue this can be a burden on your self esteem and how you regard yourself.

Low Self Esteem, low Self Confidence and low Self Worth can have a serioius impact on mental health and can sometimes have an even have an impact on physical health issues. If you are struggling with a health issue this can be a burden on your self esteem and how you regard yourself. As you learn to forgive many problems (possibly even health problems) will gradually disappear. It will be as if you can look down on the circumstances of your life from above and can see the easiest way get to where you want to be. New opportunities and happy coincides will occur where you meet just the right person at just the right time. Ideas or answers will come to you just as you need them. A friend may make a comment, or you flip open a book or a magazine, or you may overhear a conversation which gives you just what you were looking for. Why is this so? It is because by practising forgiveness you become more open to the goodness of life, so that goodness is more able to find its way to you.

Learn to forgive and you may find yourself to be a much stronger and more capable person than you previously imagined.

Learn to forgive and you may find that abilities which have been dormant within you will emerge, and you will discover yourself to be a much stronger and more capable person than you previously imagined. Parts of yourself, which could not possibly thrive in the frigid soil of unforgiveness will start to grow. You can begin to let go of old ways of struggling and striving. Life can become an easy flow and a lot more pleasant and a lot more enjoyable. If this all sounds like exaggeration, then let that be for now. Simply practice the Four Steps to Forgiveness that you will find within these pages and you will be very glad that you did.

Become Your Best Self

Forgiveness can help you build the level of self esteem that you have always wanted. It may not be the only thing you need to do, but it can make all the other things you might need to do much easier to accomplish. Forgiveness help you have a better relationship with yourself, better relationships with the people you know and a better relationship with the unfolding purpose of your life.

Learn forgiveness now by downloading the free ebook using the links on this page (it’s an immediate download. You don’t even need to enter an email address).

Learning to forgive can only help you; it cannot hurt you.

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Four Steps to Forgiveness

Four Steps to Forgiveness PDF

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Four Steps to Forgiveness EPUB

Four Steps to Forgiveness

A powerful way to freedom, happiness and success.

William Fergus Martin

ISBN: 978-1-63443-344-0

Forgiveness can also help those in the Periyar Self Respect Movement, whether it is advance their own class or raise the level of the backward classes, woman’s rights emancipation of women and so on.