The main purpose of Starseeds and Light Workers is to help move us from fear to Love, scarcity to Abundance and isolation to Unity. This free ebook helps you feel Love, Abundance and Unity: The Four Steps to Forgiveness.
There’s growing interest, and even fascination, these days around terms like; “New Earth”, “Starseeds”, “Light Workers”, “Earth Ascension”, “5D Earth” and so on. Some of these ideas you may find interesting, fun and even compelling; whereas others you may find a bit too “way out” for you. Let’s explore what this is all about.
Starseeds, Light Workers and New Earth
The early seeds of what we could call the “New Earth” movement, for lack of a better term, arose partly from the New Age movement, of some decades ago. This was the impulse to recognise that humanity was moving into a New Age of Consciousness, an Aquarian Age of “Love and Light” and of “Peace and Harmony”. Mainstream religions and the mainstream news outlets tended to have a difficult time relating to the New Age movement and also tended to misrepresent it.
A New Earth, Eckart Tolle’s and Disclosure
Placing humanity into a wider context as multidimensional beings and even as part of a galactic community
Of course, the emergence of the idea of the New Earth is partly due to the famous book of Eckart Tolle’s, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, in which he emphasises the need for humanity to enter into a new state of consciousness and find a new purpose in living.
From one point of view, this “New Earth” could be seen a natural successor to the New Age movement, yet without some of the extremes which caused the New Age movement to struggle for wider acceptance. Thankfully, owing to Oprah Winfrey and the like, Eckart Tolle’s teachings have gained fairly wide acceptance – not only to the general public but also to those interested knowing about “Starseeds”, “Light Workers”, “Earth Ascension”, “5D Earth” and so on. For example, Eckart Tolle’s teachings are very appealing to those seeking to raise themselves to the 5D level of consciousness as the teachings helps people break out of the conditioning which is part of the sense of separation of the ego.
Some adherents to Eckart Tolle’s teachings are likely to embrace more extreme views, than simply being aware in the moment, which would not be so acceptable to the mainstream and time will tell how well these will be integrated. These “extreme views” have to do with placing humanity into a wider context as multidimensional beings, who are part of a multidimensional community – and even part of a galactic community. This includes issues like “disclosure”: the disclosure of previously hidden information about human contact with species from other planets and star systems, encounters with alien craft and so on.
The emergence of various channels of information, such as on social networks, means that alternative views and ideas are much more easily available for discussion nowadays. Therefore the uptake of ideas like ; “Disclosure”, “Starseeds”, “Light Workers”, “Earth Ascension” and “5D Earth” are not so on are dependent on mainstream media acceptance as they would have been in the past.
What are Lightworkers and Starseeds?
Definition: Lightworkers – have a deep-seated longing to spread light – blessings, kindness, love, uplifting ideas and so on.
Many of these ideas, and much of this information, is from the work of Dolores Cannon and other similar workers in this field. Lightworkers are people who tend to feel an intense calling to be of help to others and to the planet as a whole. They want to leave things, people and situations, better than they found them. They have a deep-seated longing to spread light. In other words, to spread; blessings, kindness, love, uplifting ideas and so on.
Definition: A Starseed – someone, who was evolving on another star system, who chose to incarnate on the Earth, to help in the transition into a New Earth – and a more “5D conscious” humanity.
A Starseed is said to be someone, who was evolving on another star system, who then chose to be incarnated on the Earth, specifically to help in this crucial phase of the transition into a New Earth – and a more “5D conscious” humanity. The idea is that the upward shift in consciousness of humanity needs to be in parallel with a shift in purpose of the Earth itself, so Starseeds have come to help this happen.
Another part of the 5D idea is that the role of the Earth is changing and it will no longer be the playground of those working out their aggressive and war-like tendencies. Some say the Earth is already changing rapidly and that the old orders of earth are starting to fall apart. They say that new organisations will start to emerge as reflections of this more benign state of consciousness. The main purposes of Starseeds and Light Workers is to help move us from fear to Love, scarcity to Abundance and isolation to Unity.
Earth Ascension
This particular ascension is said to relate to the Ascension of the whole planet and a lot of the people on it, to a higher state. Earth Ascension, or “the transition to the 5th Dimension”, is said to be a planet-wide event. There are a variety of different views of what this shift is, what is causing it and how it will take shape. However, the general consensus is that it will happen soon and that it is even happening already, to some extent, as it will be a gradual process. Some see the world as making a very literal physical transition from out of 3D matter to a higher dimension of matter. This would include our human bodies too. However, there is a catch…
There are challenges in making this shift for many people. The level of consciousness required to operate in the 5th Dimension, we are told, is a far more loving and forgiving one than that required to operate in the 3rd Dimension. The 3rd Dimension consciousness is characterised by a duality consciousness; us versus them; competition rather than co-operation; seeking power over others rather than seeking to empower others, self-seeking rather than being of service to the greater good, and so on. Whereas 5th Dimension consciousness is based on a unity consciousness where we see other people, and ourselves, as being part of a something larger – ie it is a far more inclusive and loving level of consciousness. Sounds good to me!
Where the ascension process gets a bit unclear, and possibly quite dramatic, is what happens to people who cannot or don’t want to make this shift in consciousness? What happens to people who want to stay in a competitive, and even an aggressive and combative, frame of reference? The answers given are that those people won’t be able to function on the Earth as it shifts to the 5th Dimension. Whether they will “go somewhere else” or continue to exist on the planet as they know it (while those who can make the shift to 5D simply disappear from view of those on 3D – that could be interesting…) is not clear from what I have come across. Some say that people with 3D consciousness will simply stop incarnating on the Earth and more of those with a higher consciousness will. That way it will all come out in the wash – with a bit of necessary social disruption in order to create a more just society. Some predict all sorts of earth changes as part of the process; some say these may not be necessary.
5th Dimensional Consciousness and Forgiveness
The whole crux of the shift to 5th Dimensional consciousness, is that it is said to be a shift in our individual consciousness and that we need to work on our consciousness in order to make that shift. What better way to shift your consciousness than to learn to forgive, and move on from past experiences? Unforgiveness is one of the states which tend to hold us down and keep us in an “us and them”, low level of consciousness. An unforgiving state of mind tends to be accompanied by anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, guilt and shame. All of which are said to be of the 3D state of consciousness, and not exactly fun anyway. Find your freedom from the unforgiving mind, the ego mind. Download this free Forgiveness Ebook.
If you are interested in making the shift to 5D and letting go of that old 3D level of consciousness – which is rapidly going out of fashion… LOL. Try our free ebook. You can learn how to forgive and reap the many amazing benefits of forgiveness by downloading The Four Steps to Forgiveness available on this page (it is an immediate download, no need to enter an email address to get the book).
Written by: William Fergus Martin
Author: Forgiveness is Power
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Four Steps to Forgiveness
A powerful way to freedom, happiness and success.
William Fergus Martin
ISBN: 978-1-63443-344-0