Consider the good you can do; rather than the bad you cannot undo. Free Ebook to Forgive Yourself.

Most people are not very self forgiving, yet if you cannot forgive yourself what chance have you of forgiving anyone else? If you feel something like, “I need to forgive myself”, then read on…
Forgiving yourself is one of the most generous and unselfish things you can do.
Forgiving yourself is one of the most generous and unselfish things you can do, because of the effects it has and the number of people you can benefit by so doing. Everyone around you benefits when you forgive yourself: you will allow more good to come into your life so you will have more to share with others (especially those closest to you. When you forgive yourself your whole attitude to life changes and improves, your whole way of seeing other people becomes gentler, kinder, more generous and more loving – especially you will be more forgiving of others.
When you forgive yourself, you have more to give.
When you forgive yourself; you become a better husband or wife, you become a better student or teacher, you become a better employer or employee and you become a better parent or child. When you forgive you are more open to success in whatever ways are meaningful to you. As you learn to forgive yourself, what seemed impossible not only becomes possible, but can even become easily achievable. When you forgive yourself, you have more to give.
Self Forgiveness and Making Amends
In order to completely forgive yourself you may need to make amends to the other person.
In order to forgive yourself fully and completely you may need to think of a suitable way to make amends to the other person if this is reasonably possible. However, do some self-forgiveness work first so that some form of self-punishment does not creep in. Making amends can be a very good thing to do, but watch out for self-punishment disguised as remorse. Making amends, or even thinking about making amends, should normally bring you a feeling of relief. If it does not then it might be that some form self-harm, or self-punishment in disguise. Making amends may cost you; but it should not harm you. Also making amends, or apologizing, where this is feasible, should not cause the others involved more pain. Forgiveness is about reducing the pain the world, which should include you too.
If you have no access to the person (they are out of your life for whatever reason) yet you want to make amends, then do it by proxy and be particularly, kind generous or helpful to someone of the same race, group or type of person – or even just someone at random.
God and Self Forgiveness
Do you believe God has to forgive you first, before you can forgive yourself?
Do you believe God has to forgive you before you can forgive yourself? If so, ask yourself how you know that has not already happened. Then try and going through, The Four Steps to Forgiveness a few times and see if you are any clearer. (See Does God Forgive Me? in free ebook below)
If you want to be able to forgive yourself, our free book, will show you a simple and very effective way of doing so. You can benefit frrom the miraculouse effects of forgivess and be able to forgive yourself and others. The book is available for immediate download (we don’t even ask for your email address). Just use any of the links on this page.
Written by: William Fergus Martin
Author of Forgiveness is Power.
Download Free Forgiveness Ebook
Four Steps to Forgiveness KINDLE
Four Steps to Forgiveness EPUB
Four Steps to Forgiveness
A powerful way to freedom, happiness and success.
William Fergus Martin
ISBN: 978-1-63443-344-0