Forgiveness Action Plan #1

Forgiveness Action Plan #1

Our First Forgiveness Action Plan! Sorry it took so long… Many of you (about 60,000) have been waiting a long time for me to start writing these (my bad, sorry).  Here is the first one – at last!
– William (William Fergus Martin, Founder: Global Forgiveness Initiative).


“When you forgive you win!” – Forgiveness is Power. 

Click Image to Download Ebook.

Action 1: Download the ebook.


If you haven’t done so already, download your copy of The Four Steps to Forgiveness. Get it by selecting the book cover image to the left or use this link: Get The Four Steps to Forgiveness.

If your version has a different cover, please download this latest version as it has a lot more information in it.

Action 2: This action is about acknowledging yourself as both a student and a teacher of Forgiveness. If you are benefiting from the material then, please spread the word by telling others and by sharing copies ofThe Four Steps to Forgiveness with friends. Translations (in over 25 languages) are available here.

“Forgiveness sets you Free!” – Forgiveness is Power

Action 3: Watch Forgiveness Videos

Watching these videos can help reinforce your knowledge and understanding of how to forgive. You know what to do if you find them useful… (Share them, my friend in Forgiveness).

“There are many alternatives to Forgiveness, but none of them are sane!”
Forgiveness is Power. 

Action 4 is about broadening your sense of forgiveness and reconciliation by relating to masculine energy, whether in yourself or others, in healthier ways. This is an issue for many as both men and women are finding themselves needing to find healthy ways to embody, and relate to, masculine qualities.

This is not really an Action step, but my book publisher would probably never forgive me (Doh!) if I don’t mention my officially published book, Forgiveness is Power, which is the book which got this all started. This book is much longer than Four Steps to Forgiveness as it covers a lot more – such as; our relationship with our parents, our attitude to sexuality, attitudes to money and getting the things we want in life.

You don’t have to get this book, as Four Steps to Forgiveness and the videos on our YouTube Playlist, will give you the essentials, but it can help you a lot to get a deeper understanding of forgiveness. .

Amazon USA | Amazon UK | World Wide or search for “isbn 9781844096282″

“Forgiveness is the power to decide how events will affect you!” – Forgiveness is Power

Global Forgiveness Initiative, Scottish Charity Number: SC045990. Bay View, Findhorn, Forres, Scotland, UK IV36 3YX